Monday, March 8, 2010

"I'll be here, but I'm going to think of products I might like to purchase."

So, I'm trying to think of things I'll need once I get to Japan. Since money has suddenly become an even bigger issue than I thought it would be a few weeks ago, I'm trying to carefully budget. Thus, I am going to create a list of things I need/want to buy. Some of them will be purchased as soon as I arrive, some not for months. Some I might not even purchase at all. A few might even, if I'm very very lucky, come with the apartment. But here's a list of some of the things I'm considering:

A futon. About $75. Where I'll sleep.
A fan. Though I'll be further north, I'm sure it gets plenty warm in the summer.
A lamp or other light fixture.
A washing machine. $200. Don't want to stink!
A refrigerator. $200. The whole food thing.
A mirror.
A cutting board.
Some dishes.
A frying pan.
A kitchen knife.
A table/chairs.
A water heater.
A Vacuum. $70.
Or, alternately, an electric cooktop.
A rice cooker.
A Kitchen scale. $10.
A Computer monitor.
Storage boxes.
A bath basket.

And the following consumables: Toilet paper, paper towels, bath towels, umbrellas, soap, shampoo, laundry detergent, hand soap, mouthwash, flouride toothpaste, American deodorant, dish detergent, sponges, kitchen cleanser, a water purifier, trash bags, a mop, and a broom.

Also keep in mind that I can save on some of this stuff by buying it locally/buying it used.
Am I forgetting anything?

Yes, I have a placement.

I'm going to be living in Otsuchi, Iwate.

No, I'd never heard of it either. Apparently, it has all of 15,000 people.
The next largest town is Kamaishi, which is 10 km from Otsuchi.

The town, like everything else and their cat these days, has a website. They even have a section in English!
It does have a shopping center called MAST, which is 10 minutes from the station.

As I get more information on the area, I'll edit this post.